Big Data Architect
Pune, India
+91 9960890489
Big Data Eco-System
Big Data Architect
Project Management
Hands on experience in Big Data technologies and cloud data enginneering. Proficient with Agile Scrum software development methodology.
Hands on experience in Big Data technologies such as HDFS, Pig, Hive, Sqoop, Map Reduce, Apache Spark etc. Proficient with Agile Scrum software development methodology.
Hands on experience in MySQL, SQL server 2008R2, Postgres. Hands on 2+ years of experience in Big Data technologies such as HDFS, Pig, Hive, Sqoop, Map Reduce, Apache Spark etc. Proficient with Agile Scrum software development methodology.
Works with android developemtn and Core Java application development with 3 years of experience. Works with MySQL development for maintaining and enhasing product performance, Also Maintain and Support Linux server and database servers
Web/Mobile, SQL Development, Cloud Big data engineering !!!
Master Degree
Bachelor Degree